Sunday, January 27, 2013

January 7th: The Day I Saw the Power of State in the Eye

It was around 5:30 in the morning from when I started my journey to Springfield, IL. It was dark and cold at Union Station in Chicago. I met up with my freinds from ROC Chicago in the Great Hall to discuss our of how we are going to represent ourselves in front of the state witha guitar strapped on my back. We made it to our train by around 6:00 a.m and descended for Springfield. I saw the sunrise for the first time in many years. I belive it was a sunrise to a bright new future of not only myself, but for the whole culinary world as we know it.

We got on our server outfits and discussed on how we are going to talk to the representatives. It was the first time I have ever been to the State Capitol when its in session. The only time I have seen the capitol was from the outside on a middle school trip and wonder what could be inside. I can only imagine how after so many years, I have finally get a chance to be inside and confront with people responsible for laws to be passed through the senators eyes.

After a four hour train ride, we finnally, made it to Springfield station and headed our way to the Capitol. After going through security, we made it to the building and fan out into seperate groups. At first we got lost inside the maze of rooms and tunnels, but we found our representives with no problems. Although, we not the only group finding change in the state. Another group was there who were proposing to give undocumented workers drivers licences and we saw how they were interacting with higher power. I obsevered closely of how I could conduct my first proposal with representitive to the state.

Later on in the afternoon, after lunch at a state liberary and jam session, I was whatching every state representitive and organization members discuss about how we should raise the tipped minnimum wage. Just then, I spotted a grey haired man who was speaking to one of the lobbyist of the session. That grey haired man was one of the representatives I needed to speak to about the tipped minimum wage bill that was about to be proposed.

At first I was a little scared but, I know I have to confront him if I want to change the culinary world for the better. As I approach him, I was expecting him to just brush me off as some crazy college kid in a servers uniform but he was very accepting of ROC's cause. I was stumbling about the facts a little but a freind of mine came in and help me out with my pitch. After hearing my claim, he said that he would support us and shook my hand with confidence. I felt proud that I finnally spoked to a reprentative that cared about the people who are trying to survive the day to day life of a cook. I suddenly began to regain hope for humanity.

Later on, we headed back to the train to return home with pride and beer in our systems. (Dont worry, I am 21.) We sang songs, we drink and just having a good time with my fellow members.

That is my story of when I went to springfeild on January 7th 2013. I will remember that day for the rest of my life. The day where I faced power face-to-face and to take a giant step forward as a chef of the 21st Century Revolution.


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