Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Volunteering, a Press Conference and a Very Special Protest

I want to first apologize for posting late this week. I was studying for finals this week with two huge projects and I needed the time to write and edit this post.

This week is about conecting with people. I was not only just contect myself with other cooks and servers but I did get chance to meet with people from all over the world and share stories of activism and justice.

It was a tuesday night when I volenteered for this benefit. It was pouring rain out and my dad dropped me off at a nature meuseum inside the city. I was wearing my bussiness casual attire with a grey cartigan and a bowtie. It is a little old fashened but I did look dashing. I got a chance to clear tables and serve with the other servers for this catering company. As I was clearing tables and the number of guests start to grow, I remembered my training at the college and went into my "server mode."

For many cooks, we have an instinct known as server mode when ever we go out into the front-of-house. We simply smile and pretend everything in the back is running smoothly. The kitchen staff could have a mental break down but as soon as we step food in the dining room, we pretend nothing is wrong. For me, I always take a deep breath and come out with a smile while retriving used plates and glasses.

Once dinner has began, I went full server mode and brought out plates of two with the other servers. I was the only one who looked out of place but I felt like part of the crew. I refered myself with the name of "mr.bowtie" in my mind as my server identity. With a room filled with people and noise, I served water and dinners with ruthless percition. As time flew by, I left by making new freinds and expecting to someday work with my fellow servers.

The next day, there was a meeting with some representatives from Japan who were part of the Labor Notes Conference last weekend. We had a long disscusstion of what The R.O.C is about and what we are doing in our community. There were also people from China, Germany and from other places around world to share experiences, ideas and a chance connect to the rest of the world. In my mind, it was like being in the U.N for resturants.

After the conference, the R.O.C and our guests made our way to the protest. Along the way, I gave a miniture tour of chicago of some of the landmarks of Chicago. One of the members say I sould be a tour guide. I might consider that as a back up plan if nothing is open for a cook or servers position.

The protest went smoothly and our guest's from the conference had a blast. We also did a chant in japanese that really mix things up and I also want to give kudos to the one who led the chant. He did a great job of getting the message accross to the resturant.

At the end off the protest, our guest's head back to their hotel and I return to my suburban home. In the end, I really appriciate about what the R.O.C is doing. No matter what country your in, there is always a voice where justice would rise to a brighter future.

Which brings me to my postal question of the day. Who do you know from another place in the world that shares your passtion? I know that not everyone does not travels as much as I do but, if you do know someone, feel free to comment bellow.

For now, I bid you all a-do.

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