Monday, September 17, 2012

Monday Morning Coffee #3: Trends and a Big Announcement

This week, I want to try something a little different with the Monday Morning Coffee and try a somewhat different subject. Dont worry, its still food related but it is related to my big cookbook project.

When people think of trends in the food world, they think of the newest or most modern food styles. Yet some wonder why how the trends of small tasting plates and fusion cuisine came to be. Although a lot of trends does depend on the demand of the people who eat out for entertainment. Whether the group is big or small, everyone has a voice when it comes to the next big thing in dinning. Whole websites are deticated to new food fads and the legacy that it leaves behind.

The internet has been a big driving force for these new trends with social media sites that gives anyone the power to become a critic or "an amature culinary professtional." Although the internet has made some trends possible, it is also unstable. If you have the power to control what is the best and what is the worst, would you pick the best resturant based on the quality or because your favorite that treats you and brown nose to get a better score? If you think about it, a lot of people over the internet only write or vlog on only a specific chain or spcific resturant because they are somewhat close minded of what other places are like or just being paid to think of other resturants as inferior and their client as superior.

Im not saying that everyone who blogs only focus on that particular place all the time, but im not denying the fact that they are other people who do not move their decition just because they dont want their favorite place to be torn down. My point is that yes, some people such as chefs, writers and other people alike can bring a new food trend up but there are people out there that only say good or bad things on a specific place only because of personal reasoning. So when a new food trend apears, think about why it is a trend and how it can move food culture forward or petncialy move it backwards due to favortism.

And it is time for the big announcement you have been waiting for. Over the past few weeks, I have been giving you clues to what the new cookbook project might be and now it is time to reaveal what the topic is. The topic for my cookbook project is the first ever brony cookbook. If you dont know what bronies are, here is a little video expaining the new trend. (Please whatch the video first before continue reading on, it would make a lot more sense afterwords)



Now true, this is somewhat of a new concept and not a lot people understand it but it is really fun and I can tell from experience that its more than just the show. The fan base behind the ponies is what makes this trend great and its not stereotypically loney guys with no lives. There are tons of artists, muscians and writers alike who usher in this new cultural phonamonan of what I like to call an "E-Rennicance." It is a new age of art, music and the idea that gender identity cannot be stationary of what we see on the T.V or computer screen.

You might be asking, "how is this related to your cookbook project?" The truth I want to make a cookbook not only to share recipies representing the charactures, but I also want to make my mark on this community as one of the first "brony chefs." True, they are some bronies who already cook and can do it well but I want to show that a chef can be part of this "somewhat" new trend. Plus, this is a very fun project I always want to do in my spare time and to share of what I have to offer to the food world and the brony community. Of course, im going have to keep going with this project before this new trend is gone forever.

Im also makeing a website to go with this. Its not up yet but it will be up soon for everyone to enjoy.

That is all the news I want to share for today and feel free to ask me questions on facebook or on the comments below about the cookbook or any other questions about my current status as a chef/foodwriter. For now I bid you all a-do.

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